A son is your son until he takes a wife. A daughter is yours for all your life.

Guys. My dad arrives tonight. We're going to UP THE CREEK on Saturday. I only see my dad like once a year, and I am so excited to share this with him. We're going to be hanging with the boys and the family all week and then. It's party time. Lilo's, sun, cocktails and music.

I still need to figure out the camping mechanic. I am NOT good at camping. Or the outdoors. I need mirrors and clean toilets and my ghd and it's going to be very... interesting. We used to go camping with my parents loads as a kid. Hell, this one year we went to Mozambique and camped at a different spot almost every night... for three weeks! My dad is all about the adventure. It's going to be fun. We might end up just going for the day, I'm still trying to work everything out. Either way, it's going to be so much fun and I can't wait to just hang out with my dad without interruptions or obligations.Here are some pictures from last year, from their website etc. These take all my apprehensions away. Note to self: Get Lilo.